Some things about our eTwinning project Creative use of ict :
- Subjects: Citizenship, European Studies, History, History of Culture, Informatics / ICT, Religion, Special Needs Education
- Languages: English - français - română
- Pupil's age: 8 - 16
- Tools to be used: Chat, e-mail, Forum, MP3, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Virtual learning environment (communities, virtual classes, ...), Web publishing
- Based on kit: ICT for communication
- Aims: This project aims to develop students creativity. They will learn different subjects which are taught in school using the computer will learn how to post the material in the eTwinning project (photo, video, slides, Power Point Presentations, but will relax and listen to music, playing on the computer and looking to the movies at school.
- Work process: Students involved in the project will do more activities in partenerschip that will take place in their schools and after all the parteners wiil make a website with all activities which took place in this eTwinning project . Students will be friends through this project with their colleagues in schools of the European Union involved in this project .
- Expected results: We expect students to learn to use computer and Internet so as to learn and to relax and play. We hope that students learn how to make in the future as their own website like this website wich we will doing in this project.
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